Zipline timezone module error

Hey everyone, I was able to fix the timezone module error in the notebook 04_single_factor_zipline by using this fix:

We added a few lines of code at the beginning of the notebook to simulate the zoneinfo module using pytz. This is necessary because the latest version of some dependencies requires zoneinfo, which isn’t available in Python versions below 3.9. Here’s the code to add:

import sys
import pytz

class ZoneInfo(pytz.tzinfo.BaseTzInfo):
    def __init__(self, key):
        self._key = key
        self._tzinfo = pytz.timezone(key)

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        return getattr(self._tzinfo, name)

sys.modules['zoneinfo'] = type('zoneinfo', (), {'ZoneInfo': ZoneInfo})

# Now you can import Zipline without errors
import zipline

This code creates a fake zoneinfo module that uses pytz under the hood. It tricks the system into thinking zoneinfo is available, allowing Zipline and its dependencies to work properly.

Remember to run this code before importing Zipline or running any Zipline-related code in your notebook. This solution allows you to continue using Python 3.8 without having to upgrade to 3.9+ or make any changes to your environment.