Hi all.
It is a basic problem in the first jupyter notebook file for you. However, I struggled for two days.
I tried to run …\02_market_and_fundamental_data\01_NASDAQ_TotalView-ITCH_Order_Book\01_parse_itch_order_flow_messages.ipynb, and it returns errors.
- In cell #31 (I make the error in bold style):
Start of Messages
03:02:31.65 0
Start of System Hours
04:00:00.00 241,258
Start of Market Hours
09:30:00.00 9,559,279
09:44:09.23 25,000,000 00:00:52.34
Cannot serialize the column [primary_market_maker]
because its data contents are not [string] but [integer] object dtype
<class ‘pandas.core.frame.DataFrame’>
RangeIndex: 214749 entries, 0 to 214748
Data columns (total 7 columns):
Column Non-Null Count Dtype
0 stock_locate 214749 non-null int64
1 tracking_number 214749 non-null int64
2 timestamp 214749 non-null timedelta64[ns]
3 mpid 214749 non-null object
4 primary_market_maker 214749 non-null object
5 market_maker_mode 214749 non-null object
6 market_participant_state 214749 non-null object
D 9044692
A 10094291
dtype: int64
Duration: 00:00:54.44
- In Cell #34:
KeyError: ‘No object named P in the file’
I tried to run this notebook on Windows 11 with Python 3.11.2 and Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS with Python 3.10. It did not work on both OS.
Could anyone help me out?
Thank you.